Professional Expectations
All SAC schools are bound to a professional, ethical, and moral obligation to the students and families they serve.
Professional Ethics Guidelines
Abuse and Professional Misconduct
South Atlantic Conference requires each school to post in a prominent place a notice that all employees and agents of the Conference K-12 school board have an affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect.
The Conference requires each school to post at the school site and on the schools’ internet site (if available) the policies and procedures for reporting alleged misconduct by instructional personnel or school administrators which affects the health, safety or welfare of a student. The notices must include the contact person to whom the report is made and the penalties imposed on those instructional personnel or school administrators who fail to report suspected child abuse or misconduct by other instructional personnel or school administrators.
The attached posters are provided as samples for SAC school which may be printed and used:
Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Information
Professional Misconduct Reporting Information
Report Teacher Misconduct to:
Your child's principal or head teacher
Report School Administrative Misconduct to:
Mrs. Kim Major Gaiter
Vice President of Education/Superintendent of Schools
404.792.0535 ext. 110