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2020 General Registration Information & T-Shirt Order Forms (Fees, Location, Schedule, Attire, Meals, Lodging, etc.)
Art Exhibit
The Art Exhibits will comprise four divisions: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12.
At the elementary level (K-8), one student should be chosen as the winner for their division. Greater Atlanta Adventist Academy may submit up to four entries. The division winner and their project will advance to the Conference Festival Expo.
Local Art Exhibits – K-8 schools will conduct a classroom art festival no earlier than the second week of February. Based on the school size, the division level winners will advance to participate in the school-wide finals. Grades K-2 winner projects should be brought to the Festival Expo. The student should not attend. All academy art projects may be brought to the Festival Expo for judging. These rounds will determine your school’s 2020 winners for each division. Division winners should be determined by March 22nd.
Deadline for entry to SAC Finals – All students submitting art to the Festival Expo must complete the required Artist’s Idea statement.
​Coordinator – Jo D. Hollis
Bible Feud
The Bible Feud competition will comprise 2 rounds. Teams will consist of 1 student per school with no more than 4 students per team, and students will range from grades 3 - 12.
Bible Feud Schedule – Schools should conduct school-wide Bible Feuds no earlier than the second week of February.
Deadline for entry to SAC Finals – Participating schools shall submit the names of their contestants to the SAC Office of Education by February 23rd.
Coordinator – No event for 2020
Math Derby
The Math Derby competition will comprise 2 divisions: Grades 3 – 5 and Grades 6 – 8. Teams will consist of 1 student per school with no more than 5 students per team. Based on the school size, the 1st place winners will advance to participate in the school-wide finals, with the 2nd place winners being the alternate. These rounds will determine your school’s 2020 winners for Grades 3-5 and 6-8.
Math Derby Schedule – Grades K-8 will conduct classroom level math jeopardy derbies no earlier than the second week of February.
Deadline for entry to SAC Finals – Participating schools shall submit the names of the level 3-5 and level 6-8 contestants to the SAC Office of Education by March 22nd.
Meals - Guests
Sabbath lunch will be provided for $10.00/person, and tickets must be purchased (funds received by March 5.) Principals are responsible for keeping an accurate record of the number of tickets each guest purchase. The principal will receive the tickets purchased and will be responsible for accurately distributing them based on their records. The Conference is not responsible for tracking guest purchases nor distributing tickets to individual guests. Tickets will not be sold at Festival Expo.
Coordinator – Currine Harris
Music & Homilies
Sabbath School - Jasmine Johnson, Coordinator
Divine Worship - Michael Cookenmaster & Yvette Cooper, Coordinators
Sabbath Vespers - Greg Clemmons and Michael Cookenmaster, Coordinators
Science Exhibit
The Science Exhibit will comprise four divisions: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12.
At the elementary level (K-8), one student should be chosen as the winner for their division. This student and their project will advance to the Conference Festival Expo. In high school, one student from each grade level should be chosen as the winner.
This student and their project will advance to the Conference Festival Expo.
Local Science Exhibits – K-8 schools will conduct a classroom science exhibit no earlier than the second week of February. All academy science projects may be brought to the Festival Expo for judging. Based on the school size, the division level winners will advance to participate in the school-wide finals. These rounds will determine your school’s 2020 winners for each division. Grades K-2 winner projects should be brought to the Festival Expo. K-2 students should not attend.
Deadline for entry to SAC Finals – Division winners should be determined by March 22nd.
Coordinator – Angelia Mahone
Spelling Bee
Eligibility requirements – The first second, and third place school level winners from Grades 3-5 and Grades 6-8, are eligible to participate in the SAC 2020 Spelling Bee Finals in Atlanta, GA. The 4th place winner will serve as an alternate. Each school may be represented by three (3) students per level. Students in grades K-2 can look forward to participating in the SACOE Spelling Bee Finals when they reach the third grade.
Local Spelling Bees – Students should be given ample opportunity to study the spelling lists. Grades K-8 will conduct classroom level spelldowns no earlier than the second week of February. Based on the school size, the grade level winners will advance to participate in the school-wide finals. These rounds will determine your school’s 2019 winners for Grade 3-5 and 6-8.
Deadline for entry to SAC Finals – Participating schools shall submit the names of the Grades 3-5 and Grades 6-8 contestants to the SAC Office of Education by March 22nd.
Important Notes to Parents and Students – Local schools use the word lists generated by the Conference for their spelling bee. This lists includes many words that appear in Spell It! All words on the Conference spelling bee word lists are entries in Merriam-Webster Unabridged Online Edition, the official dictionary of the Scripps National Spelling Bee, available at The Conference will use words that are used from this officially published list, and they may be given in any order. Additionally, the Conference will use a set of unpublished "Challenge Words." The judges do not have to exhaust the published list before moving onto the unpublished challenge list. The judges will determine when to move from the published list to the unpublished challenge list. Parents are not permitted to bring in the list of words to the Conference-level spelling bee.
Coordinator – Shakuntala Ramsarran
Sabbath Evening Vespers
The Sabbath evening vespers will be held in the sanctuary of the Berean Seventh-day Adventists Church.
The vespers will feature combined small school, mid-sized schools, and large school choirs. The vespers program is a
ticketed event for guests. The tickets are $10.00/person. Payment is to be made to South Atlantic Conference
(Memo: SACOE Festival Expo).
Coordinators – Gregory Clemmons & Michael Cookenmaster