Welcome Families
SAC Office of Education is deeply committed to promoting students' strengths and providing supports to ensure our students experience success in all aspects of their lives. Our Multi-tiered Student Support (MTSS) services include spiritual instruction, support, and guidance; socio-emotional supports; and Response to Intervention Services (RTI) including Specific Learning Disabilities, Gifted and Talented Education, 504 accommodations, and Federal Title Programming where available.

Multi-tiered Student Support Services

Key to Adventist EDGE classrooms is the pervasive element of genuine Christianity. The curriculum is infused with Christian values and students receive daily encouragement in their personal walk with Jesus. EDGE students exemplify concern for others by participating in community out-reach projects and other faith building activities.
We encourage all our families to connect with their local Adventist Church family.

RTI is a professional development model mandated as a part of the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (2004). RTI evaluates and instructs students through a tiered instructional and intervention process. The approach identifies children with learning exceptionalities by carefully monitoring their progress using scientifically research-based interventions. The tiered RTI process removed the need for districts to qualify children for special education services based solely on Intelligence Quotient (IQ) assessment scores (“Key Changes,” 2007).

Title I, Part A, provides an equitable share of resources to local private and parochial schools to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to get a quality education, resulting in their attainment of high academic standards. Title I targets resources to districts and schools whose needs are the greatest.
The program is the largest federal program supporting both elementary and secondary education, and allocates its resources based upon the poverty rates of students enrolled in schools and districts. Essentially, Title I focuses on: (1) promoting school-wide reform in high-poverty schools and (2) ensuring students’ access to scientifically-based instructional strategies and challenging academic content.

Child Find is a federal mandate that requires all school systems to identify, locate and evaluate all children who might have disabilities, birth through 21, regardless of the severity of their disabilities.
Child find is provided through the local county school district in cooperation with SAC Office of Education and the local Adventist school. Services provided at no cost to the families include:
Developmental Screenings
Hearing/Vision Screenings
Multi-disciplinary Evaluation

Special Education Services is committed to providing a quality educational experience based on the individual needs of each child. Our Specific Learning Disabilities services provide specialized instruction for students to minimize the impact of their disability through a limited continuum of services, ranging from services provided in a general education classroom to pull out programs. IEPs and 504 Plans are made in conjunction with the local county school district. Some students may not be well served in an small to mid-sized Adventist school setting due to the limited continuum of services provided. Please check with your local Adventist school.
Some students in the Atlanta area may be referred to Berean Christian Junior Academy, Decatur Adventist Junior Academy, and Greater Atlanta Adventist Academy where a broader range of services are provided.

Special Education Services is committed to providing a quality educational experience based on the needs of the child. We strive to ensure that gifted and talented students are engaged, rigorously challenged and supported to reach their full emotional, intellectual, and creative potential. By equipping students to become successful, critical, compassionate, and collaborative individuals, we are preparing them to become leaders and citizens of the 21st century.
Some students in the Atlanta area may be referred to Berean Christian Junior Academy, Decatur Adventist Junior Academy, and Greater Atlanta Adventist Academy where a broader range of services are provided.