Teachers alone, even loving, Christian teachers, cannot do the work of leading young people to salvation, knowledge, and maturity. The most effective education will take place when teachers, parents, and church members work together to provide an environment where children can learn and grow. Paul compares the church to a body in which all of the parts “should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (I Cor. 12:25-27). When parents support the church school and the teachers, everyone is honored and everyone rejoices. The Home and School Association is the Adventist school's version of the Parent Teacher Student Association.
Duties of the Home and School Association
The Association leader should be a parent or grandparent of a student currently enrolled who has a passion for teaching and ministering to both the school and the homes served. The ministry to which a person is called when he or she becomes a Home and School Association leader can be described in the following duties.
1. Plan meetings. The Home and School president should plan for regular Home and School meetings for parents, teachers, and other interested church members during the school year. Careful thought should go into setting a time and place of meeting that will be the most convenient for the majority of the members.
2. Promote Adventist education. Your association should seek to assure that every child in your church has the opportunity of attending a Seventh-day Adventist school. Show support for the principles of Christian education by your example and leadership.
3. Raise funds. The Home and School Association can enhance the regular academic program of the school by creatively raising funds for items such as audio-visual aids, library resources, computers, and playground equipment. By uniting the parents and the school in a project to increase the effectiveness of the educational process you will also gain more cooperation and understanding between home and school.
4. Communicate with the church. Several times during the school year you, or someone you appoint, should appear before the entire congregation to promote Christian education and create enthusiasm for the work of the Association. Many members with no children in the church school will be willing to help support both financially and by volunteer work when they see the needs of the school and are aware of the work projects being done.
5. Encourage both parents and teachers. Parent education classes need to be offered to teach parents how to instill right character traits and lead children toward heaven. Any classes that will strengthen the home or encourage family worship will be a blessing for the children of your church. Planning events to honor the teachers in your school will be a great encouragement to the Christian teachers who work with the children. Also encourage teachers to better themselves by attending seminars and retreats.